If you look at leather workshop Singapore, you will realize they have some basic tools that are crucial for leather crafting even for beginners. The secret to a great handmade leather item is using the right tools. Without these, you stand the risk of damaging the leather for no reason.
Here are some tools you need to have, even if you are just getting started;
Harness needles
This is one of the most essential tools for any leather crafting project. We all know the purpose of needles. And if you are creating a great design on your leather piece, then you want to make sure you invest in good quality leather. You want to ensure you always have two during a project. You also want to keep extras in case they break or you lose them.
Head knife
No leather craftsman lacks this. It is almost like the ultimate symbol of leathercraft. And there is a good reason for this. Head Knives are used for cutting out basic things like different shapes, trimming hedges, and more. As basic as it sounds, it is an essential tool to come out with the best item design.
Scratch Awl
You can always get scratch awl in different sizes, it all comes down to your project needs. These are used to poke holes through your leather to make way for stitching. It makes stitching faster and easier and is mostly used to trace patterns on the top grain of your leather.
Cutting Board
The cutting board is just as important as all the other items named on this list. Leather crafting involves a lot of cutting and that last thing you want is to damage your working surface and furniture. You want to get the right board to allow cutting without cutting through your furniture or damaging your blades.